Fine Arts
Fine Arts are a vital part of a well rounded education. They teach students how to present themselves and glorify God through their music and words. From preschoolers to seniors in high school there are opportunities for everyone to get involved in Fine Arts at Suburban.

Students in grades K4-12th learn basic music concepts, musical literacy, and performance etiquette. Senior High students may take it as an elective.
FABA (Fine Arts, Bible, Academics)
FABA Competition is available for 5th-12th grade students. Students prepare art, music, and speech presentations to compete against students in other Christian schools. The Fine Arts Showcase after competition allows students to present their pieces to family and friends.
Available for grades 5th-8th. Students can learn a new instrument or continue to develop skills in one they already know.
Piano Lessons
Students in 1st-12th grade can take 30 minute piano lessons during the school day based on availability.
Highschool Play
In the spring semester 10th-12th grade students can audition for the play. Those in the cast develop their speech and acting skills through the preparation and performance.
School Programs
There are various programs throughout the year including Veterans Day, Christmas, and Spring programs. Each program has elements of speech and music that students present.
Students take art class throughout the year. Senior High students may take it as an elective. 5th-12th grade students may participate in the annual SCS Art Show and enter their projects in FABA.